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  • Writer's pictureAlexander Svarre

Chris Burkard

Updated: Mar 13, 2023

Chris Burkard is an incredible and inspirational photographer who captures everything from the stars at the northern lights to the sand under his feet at beaches around the world. He was born march 12 1986 in San Luis Obispo, California. he began his photography career the moment he graduated high school, attending Cuesta Junior College in 2004. He has since worked for The New Horker, National Geographic and Patagonia. His photos of the ocean gained him worldwide notoriety and have marked his career.

I have watched his "Under An Arctic Sky" photography documentary a million times. One of his photographs hangs above my bed, reminding me every day of his presence in my life. His brilliant photos of the sea inspire me to make sure the sea is clean. His photos prove how majestic the sea at its prime and how important it is to keep it that way.

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